Will I Lose My Number if I Stop Service?

A number on GSM LTE might be disconnected automatically 30 days after service expiry/cancellation. On Super LTE, a number can be disconnected 50 days after service expiry/cancellation.

You can ‘Snooze’ your line to keep it in service and thus avoid the risk of losing the number. This involves setting up the Auto Pay without any plans, thus letting the line be renewed automatically every 30 days with just the monthly service fee and taxes.

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    1. Its available on your online dashboard. You should see the Auto Pay button. When selecting plans using Auto Pay, make sure you unselect all plans and the snooze mode will be activated for service charges only.

  1. LS LS

    If I “snooze” my account, will the SIM card remain active, or will I need a new SIM card when I return?

    1. LS,

      The purpose of snooze option is to keep the SIM card active by only paying the bare minimum fee. So yes, your number will remain active.


    Hi, I have a US mobile SIM that I bought last year for when my parents are visiting from overseas. It has not been used for 12 months. Would the account still be usable if I put money in it? Or would I need a new SIM now?

    1. Hey Bonnie,

      Thank you for getting in touch, can you please drop us a line with the phone number at [email protected] or you can come on chat with us at https://www.usmobile.com and we’ll be able to assist you better. Also, from what I can tell there is a number on your account but it is active with our services.

  3. KR KR

    Is there a limit to how long I can snooze for if I leave it on Auto Pay and my $2/month service fee gets paid every month?

    1. Hi there,

      Nope, at this time there isn’t a limit on how long you can keep your number active with our snooze option. 🙂

  4. John John

    How do I restore service from “snooze” state? Do I simply add voice/text/data?

    1. Hey John,

      Thanks for getting in touch, we’re here to help, if you’re on our GSM LTE network, you can just go ahead and start adding top-ups if you want. Alternatively, you can modify your autopay for the plans that you would like to start using and allow them to kick in when your current month of service ends. If you need further assistance, you can always drop us a line at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to assist.


  5. My account has almost been expired for 30 days. Is there anyway to prevent losing my number? I won’t have the money until 2 days past the 30 day mark.

    1. Hi Lisa,

      We have taken steps to ensure you don’t lose your phone number any time soon. Whenever you’re ready please log in and pay the bill to resume your service. Thank you!

  6. logan logan

    soo how exactly does this snooze thing work? like the exact amount of $$ money that i would need to pay, for example its what $2 for usmobile to keep the sim active, but will there also be the surcharges of taxes & fees 911 etc etc every month too???…. also wanting to use GSM with tmobile , if i dont snooze the account does that mean my phone number will be gone after 30 days, I just want like a secondary plan to use for a few months then maybe a month or two without usage and im on a tight budget so cant really afford to pay those unused 2 months, will i still be able to get my same phone number if i activate my account again, and will i also have to pay $2 and taxes & fees for those 2 unused months i decided not to use my phone… thanks to anyone from usmobile if anyone can answer my questions asap please…

    1. Snooze works out to be $2 monthly service + minimal amount of tax, which is usually no more than 98 cents. Be advised that the amount of tax can vary as the cost of compliance with federal and regulatory requirements changes.

      On our GSM LTE network, a number that is out of service can be disconnected at any time 30 days after service expiration. For Super LTE, the grace window is 50 days after service expiration.

      When restoring service, you are not billed for the length of time the number was unused. You only pay for the plans and service you’ll be using for the next 30 days.

  7. Sam Sam

    If I don’t want to pay the monthly fee and I am OK with loosing the number, can I let the service expire and re-activate with a new number when I return to the US? I am only here two or three times per year.

    1. Yes, this is possible on our Super LTE network, where the sim card can be cleared up multiple times for reactivation with a new number. Do get in touch with support to ensure device compatibility with the network.

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