Call Forwarding on Home Phones
With this feature, you can forward incoming calls to another phone number, including your home or office. There's a few ways you can do this:
Forward All Calls
On your phone's dial pad, enter **21*
Enter the phone number (including area code) where you want your calls to be forwarded to, followed by a # sign.
(e.g., **21*908-123-4567#)Tap the Call button
Disable this call forwarding by dialing ##21#
Forward Calls When You Don't Answer
On your phone's dial pad, enter **61*
Enter the phone number (including area code) where you want your calls to be forwarded to, followed by a # sign.
(e.g., **61*908-123-4567#)Tap the Call button
Disable this call forwarding by dialing ##61#
Forward Calls When Busy or Out of Coverage Area
On your phone's dial pad, enter **62*
Enter the phone number (including area code) where you want your calls to be forwarded to, followed by a # sign.
(e.g., **62*908-123-4567#)Tap the Call button
Disable this call forwarding by dialing ##62#