Plans start at $6.50 per month, for FREE with Unlimited Premium.
No contracts. No hidden fees.
Unlimited Talk & Text
Unlimited Data
WiFi Calling Enabled
Instant eSIM Activation
24/7 Customer Support
Sync with iPhone
Unlimited Talk & Text
Unlimited Data
WiFi Calling Enabled
Instant eSIM Activation
24/7 Customer Support
Works Independently
Plans start at $6.50 per month, for FREE with Unlimited Premium.
No contracts. No hidden fees.
Unlimited Talk & Text
Unlimited Data
WiFi Calling Enabled
Instant eSIM Activation
24/7 Customer Support
Sync with iPhone
Unlimited Talk & Text
Unlimited Data
WiFi Calling Enabled
Instant eSIM Activation
24/7 Customer Support
Works Independently
Tie your Apple Watch Plan to your existing iPhone line. Great for runners, hikers, swimmers — and anyone who wants breaks from their phone without losing touch. Leave your phone at home — bring talk, text, music, maps, audiobooks, Siri, and more of the good stuff with you, right on your wrist.
All the benefits of Apple Watch, without a paired iPhone. Great for kids, seniors, and anyone who could benefit from an Apple Watch without the complications or distractions of an iPhone. Keep tabs with fall detection, emergency SOS, health alerts, calls, and texts, where ever they are. Your iPhone and Apple Watch will have different numbers and Apple IDs, but will need to be members of the same iCloud Family.