9 things you can do to stop unwanted spam calls on your landline

9 things you can do to stop unwanted spam calls on your landline

In today’s digital age, unwanted spam calls have become an annoyance for landline users just as much as they are for cell phone owners. The annoyance of spam calls is particularly tough for landline users.

The ongoing rise in spam calls can be attributed to a blend of technological and systemic factors that contribute to the growing predicament. The ease of digital communication and the advent of automated dialing systems have given telemarketers and scammers the tools to target a larger audience indiscriminately.

With just a few clicks, they can reach both landline and mobile numbers, bombarding unsuspecting recipients with their solicitations. The ability to spoof caller IDs adds another layer of complexity, making it harder for individuals to differentiate between genuine and fraudulent calls. Moreover, the borderless nature of digital communication has allowed spam callers to operate from remote locations, evading legal boundaries and enforcement efforts.

Thankfully, there are effective strategies you can employ to regain control over your landline and put an end to the constant disruption caused by these pesky calls. In this guide, we’ll walk you through a few practical steps to stop spam calls on your landline, from setting up call blocking to utilizing do-not-call lists.

Register for the National Do-Not-Call List:

A proactive step to curb spam calls is to add your landline number to the National Do-Not-Call Registry. 

Visit donotcall.gov or call 1-888-382-1222 to register your number. This won’t eliminate all unwanted calls, but it will significantly reduce the number of solicitation calls you receive.

Utilize Call Blocking:

Most modern landline phones come equipped with call blocking features. Identify the numbers that consistently spam you and block them using your phone’s settings. 

Alternatively, you can opt for third-party call-blocking devices or services that automatically filter out known spam numbers.

Consider a Call Screening Device:

Invest in a call screening device that requires callers to identify themselves before the call is connected. This ensures that only legitimate calls get through, while spam calls are intercepted before they reach your landline.

Use Caller ID to Your Advantage:

Activate caller ID on your landline phone to screen incoming calls. This allows you to recognize trusted numbers and ignore unfamiliar or suspicious ones, reducing the chances of falling victim to spam callers.

Install Robocall-Blocking Apps:

Many telecom providers offer robocall-blocking apps that can be installed on your landline phone. These apps use algorithms to detect and filter out robocalls, preventing them from reaching your phone in the first place.

Be Cautious with Personal Information:

Avoid giving out your landline number unnecessarily, especially online. Be cautious when filling out forms or signing up for services that request your contact information. The less your number circulates, the fewer spam calls you’re likely to receive.

Report Spam Calls:

Report any spam calls you receive to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at ftccomplaintassistant.gov or by calling 1-888-382-1222. This helps authorities track down and take action against persistent spammers.

Screen Calls with an Answering Machine:

Let an answering machine or voicemail screen your calls. Legitimate callers will leave a message, while spammers often hang up without leaving any information.

Consider Call-Blocking Services:

Some telecom providers offer premium call-blocking services that actively identify and block spam calls based on real-time data. Check with your provider to see if this option is available to you.


Don’t let spam calls continue to disrupt your peace and privacy. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can significantly reduce the number of unwanted calls reaching your landline

From using call blocking features to leveraging do-not-call lists and reporting spam to relevant authorities, these strategies will empower you to take back control of your landline and enjoy uninterrupted communication with those who matter most.