How to set up an iPhone with a Dark Star line


Once your line is active, you can install the physical SIM card or eSIM on your iPhone and you'll be good to go. To prevent connectivity issues, we highly recommend upgrading your iOS to version 17.0 or later. Also, it is recommended to not have more than 6 eSIMs already installed on your device for a smooth activation process.

If you're on iOS 16 or below, download the APNs from here. Once downloaded, Go to Settings > general > VPN and device management and install the profile. Hit Airplane mode for 60 second and check services.

Visual Voicemail:

For visual voicemail on iPhones, you will need to have the Live Voicemail feature turned on. Go to Settings > Calls > Live Voicemail toggle and turn it on.

No Service:

If you're not getting service on your Dark Star line after installing the eSIM/physical SIM card, you may need to add APNs manually.

It's just a few steps from here to get your iPhone set up for the DarkStar line.

Please open in the Safari browser on your device.

  1. Select "iOS" and "Dark Star" from the options presented.

  2. Hit the "Download APN" button.

  3. Allow download for the profile.

  4. After the profile is downloaded, go to Settings > General > VPN and Device Management > Select the downloaded profile > Install

  5. Once installed, restart the device and test your service. 

If you have no service after restarting, make sure the data roaming toggle is off:

  1. Go to Settings > Cellular or Mobile Network

  2. Turn OFF Data Roaming

You can set up the 5G preference on your 5G-capable iPhones (iPhone 12 or later) by following these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Cellular or Mobile Network

  2. Select Phone Plan

  3. Click Voice & Data

  4. Set it to 5G Auto or 5G On

    For further assistance, please get in touch with our support via chat, call (1-878-205-0088), or email [email protected].