Setting up Wi-Fi calling on Android is easy. Follow the steps below to enable WiFi calling on your Android device.
How to turn on WiFi Calling
To set up Wi-Fi calling on most Android phones:
- Go to Wireless and Network Settings.
- Select More or More Networks
- Find Wi-Fi Calling and turn it on
Your phone is now ready for Wi-Fi calls. You’ll want to configure your Wi-Fi preferences for calling now.
Setting WiFi Calling Preferences
To set your calling preferences:
- Click on Wi-Fi calling (not the green slider button)
- Click on Connection preferences
- Choose from one of the options below:
- WiFi preferred—this will make the phone connect to WiFi when there is both cellular and WiFi
- Cellular preferred—this will make the phone connect to cellular when there is both cellular and WiFi
- Never use cellular network – Your phone will only use Wi-Fi networks for calls.
Learn more about how WiFi calling works over here.
I just got this and the wifi calling does not work with the lte. I will be canceling this service as it does not do what it says it will do. How am I to call if there is no service? So there is no way to contact a representitive. If i had known this uses verizon towers then I would have never gotten it. Ive had verizon for over 20 years and since i moved my verizon does not work. That was the reason for this switch. What a waste of time
Yes, please add wifi calling to the super LTE plan. Verizon might be good, but has holes, like in large buildings with lots of concrete.
It’s on our road map for early 2022!
I am on Android 10 and your instructions must be for a very old version. However these instructions work – almost. However they note “Unfortunately, if you’re saving money by using an MVNO, you likely won’t have it as an option.” It seems USMobile is a MVNO as the option does not appear on my Bold N1.
You might need a newer GSM SIM, or it could be something else too. Please reach out to support over chat, [email protected] or over the phone at 878-205-0088 and they can help sort it out for you.
Please have Wifi calling for your Super LTE service. I know you say the coverage is so good that you don’t get a lot of requests for it. But I’m requesting it. I always had it with my previous company, and it’s wonderful to have the option.
We’ve added it to our roadmap!
Me. Too. I chose USM because it uses Verizon towers and Verizon is the only provider that gets good service in my neighborhood. Initially, the coverage was great but not so much anymore. Wifi calling would be great.
Yes, please add wifi calling to the super LTE plan. Verizon might be good, but has holes, like in large buildings with lots of concrete.
I still getting errors while setting up wifi
Useless. Should have what versions of android are needed or anything else required. My phone has NO option under Wireless and Networking for Wireless calls. The app doesn’t mention them. I don’t know if my problem is my phone, version of android, or the plan I’m on.
Am using a Galaxy S5. Went into More Networks, then Wi-Fi Calling and switched it on (was disabled, now enabled) but gives me ER05 – Invalid SIM
Reach out to our support team. They can help troubleshoot it for you.
Please enable WIFI calling on Super LTE….really would help me as I travel a lot. 😉